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No. While reuse is about maintaining the original material for same purpose it served e.g. your empty coke bottle used to serve local drink or water, recycling involves modifying the original material to serve a different or same purpose. e.g. your malt tin cans melted to make cooking pots.
It is highly beneficial. For example, recycling one ton of office paper can save the energy equivalent of consuming 322 gallons of gasoline. Recycling 10 plastic bottles saves enough energy to power a laptop for more than 25 hours(US EPA).
Yes. A lot of household items are actually reused. e.g. old newspapers are used to serve local bean cakes, used bottles are repurpose for selling local drinks, old tin cans are used for measuring local grains for sale etc. Also, Nigeria has set up laws that encourage recycling. For example the Extended Producers Responsibility act is a mandate for manufacturers to ensure their products are well managed after use by consumers.
Waste segregation will enable recyclers carry out their recycling process efficiently without contamination of the recycling stream.
Simply have colour coded or labeled bins for each type of waste streams you generate. Wet garbage from the kitchen, dry/recyclable waste, hazardous/e-waste, and toilet waste bins.
Plastics cannot be broken down biologically so they can remain active in the soil for hundreds of years. They may sometimes leach into the surrounding groundwater and cause health issues for the consumers.
No. The most effective way is to reduce waste, and the most environmentally preferred strategy, is to not create it in the first place (US EPA)
Cardboard, paper, beverage and food cans, glass bottles, jars(plastic/bottle), plastic bottles and caps.
These household waste that can catch fire, react or explode under certain circumstances, or that are corrosive or toxic. Your pesticide or insecticide cans are examples.
Yes, there are RecyclePoints, Wecyclers, Vicfold recyclers are some of many recycling companies in Nigeria.

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